Coupa & 71lbs have teamed up to help your company...
Save 11% or more on your FedEx & UPS shipping costs

Does This Sound Familiar?
Most companies are told by the shipping carriers that they have the "best discounts in town." But do you? Get a Free Shipping Assessment to see how your discounts compare to other companies with similar shipping spend.
Shipping carriers give better terms and discounts to companies that ship more. Unfortunately, you are not in the business of benchmarking your discounts with your peers. 71lbs analyzes tens of millions of shipments every year to assess whether your discounts are poor, good, or great.
Get Your Free Shipping Assessment:
Why do our customers choose 71lbs?

All Your Shipping Metrics in One Place
Our detailed yet streamlined user dashboard enables access to your shipping metrics, carrier agreements, discounts, refunds, analytics, and more across multiple carrier accounts.

We Help You Hold Carriers Accountable
Carrier mistakes can cost quite a bit of money and happen more frequently than you'd expect. Save a minimum of 11% on your shipping costs.
We Save You Time Better Spent on Your Business
Our team of shipping professionals monitor your shipping spend automatically so you have more time to spend on what's best for your business.

Gain Access to our Full Slate of Premium Shipping Services
We offer savings programs for freight/LTL, import, and small parcel shipments, all in an effort to help reduce your shipping costs.
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71lbs helps thousands of companies reduce and better understand their shipping costs.
We had just renegotiated our carrier agreement on our own when we were introduced to 71lbs. 71lbs told us that they saw the opportunity to still save us another 10% which we found difficult to believe as our rep kept telling us how hard they were working for us. Turned out, 71lbs saved us an ADDITIONAL 38% totaling another $175,000 in saving a year! And there was very minimal effort on our part. The longest part is the sales call upfront. We recommend the team at 71lbs. They treated our shipping spend as if it were their own, but with a lot more benchmarked data and tools to get us the best pricing possible.
Peter Chief Logistics Officer, Wholesaler

How much can 71lbs impact your bottom line?
Estimate your potential savings in two easy steps:
Step 1: What is your annual shipping spend?
Step 2: Tell us your shipping delivery ratio?
80% ground
20% overnight
* This tool is designed to provide estimates ONLY.
Actual savings depends upon exact shipping data.